CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 1
CU Amiga Magazine CD-ROM Special Edition (1995)(EMAP Images)(GB)[Issue 1995-11].iso
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Assembly Source File
638 lines
XDEF _c2p4
XDEF Initc2p4
XDEF Exitc2p4
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; void __asm c2p4 (register __a2 UBYTE *fBUFFER,
; register __a3 UBYTE *fBUFFER_CMP,
; register __a4 PLANEPTR *planes,
; register __a5 struct Task *task,
; register __d0 ULONG signals);
; 4-plane unpacked chunky to planar converter.
; Optimised for 68020/30 with fastmem.
; Author: Peter McGavin (e-mail peterm@maths.grace.cri.nz), 6 April 1994
; Based on James McCoull's 4-pass blitter algorithm.
; This code is public domain.
; Use chunky comparison buffer. Return immediately if no diffs found.
; Perform first 2 passes (Fast->Chip) with the CPU (in 1 pass).
; Update chunky comparison buffer.
; Perform passes 3 & 4 with QBlit().
; Return immediately after launching blits.
; Signal task from CleanUp() on completion.
; Task should wait for signal before next call to c2p4().
; (Unimplemented speedup idea: Might be possible to signal task after pass 3,
; but will probably need another Wait() somewhere.)
; Approx timing (A4000/030, 320x200x4):
; CPU pass max 18ms (then return)
; Asynchronous blitter passes add 31ms
; Example usage:
; /* clear fBUFFER, fBUFFER_CMP, and planes here */
; if ((sigbit = AllocSignal(-1)) == -1)
; die ("Can't allocate signal!\n");
; safe = TRUE;
; for (;;) {
; ... /* render to fBUFFER here */
; if (!safe) {
; Wait (1<<sigbit); // wait for previous c2p4 to finish
; safe = TRUE;
; }
; c2p4 (fBUFFER, fBUFFER_CMP, &RASTPORT->BitMap->Planes[0],
; FindTask(NULL), 1<<sigbit);
; safe = FALSE;
; }
; if (!safe)
; Wait (1<<sigbit); // wait for last c2p4 to finish
; FreeSignal(sigbit);
; <20.Jan.95: Angepaßt für den Frodo C64-Emulator und an OCS
; von Christian Bauer>
width equ $180 ; must be a multiple of 32
height equ $110
toplinestoskip equ 0
plsiz equ (width/8)*height
pixels equ width*height
offset equ (width/8)*toplinestoskip
cleanup equ $40
INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
INCLUDE "exec/macros.i"
INCLUDE "exec/memory.i"
INCLUDE "graphics/gfxbase.i"
INCLUDE "hardware/custom.i"
XREF _SysBase
XREF _GfxBase
; Installierte Chips ermitteln (OCS/ECS) und buff2 belegen
; RÜckgabe: d0#0: OK
Initc2p4 move.l _GfxBase,a0
btst #GFXB_BIG_BLITS,gb_ChipRevBits0(a0)
bne 1$
move.l #blit43,qblitfunc
move.l #blit43,initblitfunc
move.w #-1,wehaveocs
move.l a6,-(sp)
move.l _SysBase,a6
move.l #pixels/2,d0
move.l #MEMF_ANY,d1
move.l d0,buff2ptr
move.l (sp)+,a6
1$ move.l #blit31,qblitfunc
move.l #blit31,initblitfunc
clr.w wehaveocs
move.l a6,-(sp)
move.l _SysBase,a6
move.l #pixels/2,d0
move.l #MEMF_CHIP,d1
move.l d0,buff2ptr
move.l (sp)+,a6
Exitc2p4 move.l a6,-(sp)
move.l _SysBase,a6
move.l buff2ptr,d0
beq 1$
move.l d0,a1
1$ move.l (sp)+,a6
_c2p4: movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
; save arguments
move.l #mybltnode,a0
move.l a2,(chunky-mybltnode,a0)
move.l a4,(planes-mybltnode,a0)
move.l a5,(task-mybltnode,a0)
move.l d0,(signals-mybltnode,a0)
;original chunky data
;0 ........a3a2a1a0 ........b3b2b1b0
;2 ........c3c2c1c0 ........d3d2d1d0
;4 ........e3e2e1e0 ........f3f2f1f0
;6 ........g3g2g1g0 ........h3h2h1h0
;8 ........i3i2i1i0 ........j3j2j1j0
;10 ........k3k2k1k0 ........l3l2l1l0
;12 ........m3m2m1m0 ........n3n2n1n0
;14 ........o3o2o1o0 ........p3p2p1p0
;16 ........q3q2q1q0 ........r3r2r1r0
;18 ........s3s2s1s0 ........t3t2t1t0
;20 ........u3u2u1u0 ........v3v2v1v0
;22 ........w3w2w1w0 ........x3x2x1x0
;24 ........y3y2y1y0 ........z3z2z1z0
;26 ........A3A2A1A0 ........B3B2B1B0
;28 ........C3C2C1C0 ........D3D2D1D0
;30 ........E3E2E1E0 ........F3F2F1F0
move.l buff2ptr,a4 ; a4 -> buff2
move.l #$00ff00ff,d7 ; constant
move.w #pixels/32,d6 ; loop counter
bra.b end_pass1loop
CNOP 0,4
; main loop (starts here) processes 32 chunky pixels at a time
; compare next 32 pixels with compare page, looking for differences
initpass1loop: cmpm.l (a2)+,(a3)+
bne.w fix1
cmpm.l (a2)+,(a3)+
bne.w fix2
cmpm.l (a2)+,(a3)+
bne.b fix3
cmpm.l (a2)+,(a3)+
bne.b fix4
cmpm.l (a2)+,(a3)+
bne.b fix5
cmpm.l (a2)+,(a3)+
bne.b fix6
cmpm.l (a2)+,(a3)+
bne.b fix7
cmpm.l (a2)+,(a3)+
bne.b fix8
addq.l #8,a4 ; skip 8 bytes in output
end_pass1loop: dbra d6,initpass1loop
; If we get to here then no difference was found.
; Signal the task and return.
move.l (task-mybltnode,a0),a1
move.l (signals-mybltnode,a0),d0
move.l (4).w,a6
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
; This becomes the main loop after the first difference is found
pass1loop: cmpm.l (a2)+,(a3)+
bne.b fix1
cmpm.l (a2)+,(a3)+
bne.b fix2
cmpm.l (a2)+,(a3)+
bne.b fix3
cmpm.l (a2)+,(a3)+
bne.b fix4
cmpm.l (a2)+,(a3)+
bne.b fix5
cmpm.l (a2)+,(a3)+
bne.b fix6
cmpm.l (a2)+,(a3)+
bne.b fix7
cmpm.l (a2)+,(a3)+
bne.b fix8
addq.l #8,a4 ; skip 8 bytes in output
dbra d6,pass1loop
bra.w done
; difference found, restore a2 and a3
fix8: subq.l #4,a2
subq.l #4,a3
fix7: sub.w #28,a2
sub.w #28,a3
bra.b go_c2p
fix6: subq.l #4,a2
subq.l #4,a3
fix5: sub.w #20,a2
sub.w #20,a3
bra.b go_c2p
fix4: subq.l #4,a2
subq.l #4,a3
fix3: sub.w #12,a2
sub.w #12,a3
bra.b go_c2p
fix2: subq.l #4,a2
subq.l #4,a3
fix1: subq.l #4,a2
subq.l #4,a3
; convert 32 pixels (passes 1 and 2 combined)
go_c2p: movem.l (a2)+,d0-d3/a0/a1/a5/a6 ; ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOP QRST UVWX YZ01 2345
move.l #$0f0f0f0f,d4 ;<Obere Nibbles löschen>
and.l d4,d0
and.l d4,d1
and.l d4,d2
and.l d4,d3
movem.l d0-d3/a0/a1/a5/a6,(a3) ; update compare buffer
adda.w #32,a3
lsl.l #4,d0 ; A.B.C.D.
move.l d0,d4 ; A.B.C.D.
and.l d7,d4 ; ..B...D.
eor.l d4,d0 ; A...C...
move.l d1,d5 ; .E.F.G.H
and.l d7,d5 ; ...F...H
eor.l d5,d1 ; .E...G..
or.l d1,d0 ; AE..CG..
or.l d5,d4 ; ..BF..DH
move.l d2,d1 ; .I.J.K.L
and.l d7,d1 ; ...J...L
move.l d3,d5 ; .M.N.O.P
and.l d7,d5 ; ...N...P
lsl.l #4,d4 ; .BF..DH.
or.l d1,d4 ; .BFJ.DHL
lsl.l #4,d4 ; BFJ.DHL.
or.l d5,d4 ; BFJNDHLP
move.l d4,(pixels/4,a4)
eor.l d5,d3 ; .M...O..
lsr.l #4,d3 ; ..M...O.
eor.l d1,d2 ; .I...K..
or.l d3,d2 ; .IM..KO.
lsr.l #4,d2 ; ..IM..KO
or.l d2,d0 ; AEIMCGKO
move.l a6,d3
move.l a5,d2
move.l a1,d1
move.l d0,(a4)+
move.l a0,d0
move.l #$0f0f0f0f,d4 ;<Obere Nibbles löschen>
and.l d4,d0
and.l d4,d1
and.l d4,d2
and.l d4,d3
lsl.l #4,d0 ; Q.R.S.T.
move.l d0,d4 ; Q.R.S.T.
and.l d7,d4 ; ..R...T.
eor.l d4,d0 ; Q...S...
move.l d1,d5 ; .U.V.W.X
and.l d7,d5 ; ...V...X
eor.l d5,d1 ; .U...W..
or.l d1,d0 ; QU..SW..
or.l d5,d4 ; ..RV..TX
move.l d2,d1 ; .Y.Z.0.1
and.l d7,d1 ; ...Z...1
move.l d3,d5 ; .
and.l d7,d5 ; ...3...5
lsl.l #4,d4 ; .RV..TX.
or.l d1,d4 ; .RVZ.TX1
lsl.l #4,d4 ; RVZ.TX1.
or.l d5,d4 ; RVZ3TX15
move.l d4,(pixels/4,a4)
eor.l d5,d3 ; .2...4..
lsr.l #4,d3 ; ..2...4.
eor.l d1,d2 ; .Y...0..
or.l d3,d2 ; .Y2..04.
lsr.l #4,d2 ; ..Y2..04
or.l d2,d0 ; QUY2SW04
move.l d0,(a4)+
dbra d6,pass1loop
; start the blitter in the background for passes 3 & 4
; <OCS: pass 4 only, pass 3 is done by CPU>
done: tst.w wehaveocs
beq 3$
move.w #pixels/8-1,d7 ;blit31
move.l buff2ptr,a0
move.l buff2ptr,a1
addq.l #2,a1
lea buff3,a2
move.w #$cccc,d2
1$ move.w (a0)+,d0
addq.l #2,a0
and.w d2,d0
move.w (a1)+,d1
addq.l #2,a1
and.w d2,d1
lsr.w #2,d1
or.w d1,d0
move.w d0,(a2)+
dbra d7,1$
move.w #pixels/8-1,d7 ;blit32
move.l buff2ptr,a0
add.l #pixels/2-2,a0
move.l buff2ptr,a1
add.l #pixels/2,a1
lea buff3+pixels/2,a2
move.w #$3333,d2
2$ move.w -(a0),d0
subq.l #2,a0
and.w d2,d0
lsl.w #2,d0
move.w -(a1),d1
subq.l #2,a1
and.w d2,d1
or.w d1,d0
move.w d0,-(a2)
dbra d7,2$
3$ lea mybltnode,a1
move.l _GfxBase,a6
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
; QBlit functions (called asynchronously)
;after pass 2
;0 a3a2a1a0e3e2e1e0 i3i2i1i0m3m2m1m0
;2 c3c2c1c0g3g2g1g0 k3k2k1k0o3o2o1o0
;4 q3q2q1q0u3u2u1u0 y3y2y1y0C3C2C1C0
;6 s3s2s1s0w3w2w1w0 A3A2A1A0E3E2E1E0
;pixels/4+0 b3b2b1b0f3f2f1f0 j3j2j1j0n3n2n1n0
;pixels/4+2 d3d2d1d0h3h2h1h0 l3l2l1l0p3p2p1p0
;pixels/4+4 r3r2r1r0v3v2v1v0 z3z2z1z0D3D2D1D0
;pixels/4+6 t3t2t1t0x3x2x1x0 B3B2B1B0F3F2F1F0
;Pass 3, subpass 1
; apt buff2
; bpt buff2+2
; dpt buff3
; amod 2
; bmod 2
; dmod 0
; cdat $cccc
; sizv pixels/8
; sizh 1 word
; con D=AC+(B>>2)~C, ascending
blit31: moveq #-1,d0
move.l d0,(bltafwm,a0)
move.w #0,(bltdmod,a0)
move.l (buff2ptr-mybltnode,a1),d0
move.l d0,(bltapt,a0)
addq.l #2,d0
move.l d0,(bltbpt,a0)
move.l #buff3,(bltdpt,a0)
move.w #2,(bltamod,a0)
move.w #2,(bltbmod,a0)
move.w #pixels/8,(bltsizv,a0)
move.w #$cccc,(bltcdat,a0)
move.l #$0DE42000,(bltcon0,a0) ; D=AC+(B>>2)~C
move.w #1,(bltsizh,a0) ;do blit
lea (blit32,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
;Pass 3, subpass 2
; apt buff2+pixels/2-2-2
; bpt buff2+pixels/2-2
; dpt buff3+pixels/2-2
; amod 2
; bmod 2
; dmod 0
; cdat $cccc
; sizv pixels/8
; sizh 1 word
; con D=(A<<2)C+B~C, descending
blit32: move.l (buff2ptr-mybltnode,a1),d0
add.l #pixels/2-2,d0
move.l d0,(bltbpt,a0)
subq.l #2,d0
move.l d0,(bltapt,a0)
move.l #buff3+pixels/2-2,(bltdpt,a0)
move.l #$2DE40002,(bltcon0,a0) ; D=(A<<2)C+B~C, desc.
move.w #1,(bltsizh,a0) ;do blit
lea (blit43,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
;after pass 3
;0 a3a2c3c2e3e2g3g2 i3i2k3k2m3m2o3o2
;2 q3q2s3s2u3u2w3w2 y3y2A3A2C3C2E3E2
;pixels/8+0 b3b2d3d2f3f2h3h2 j3j2l3l2n3n2p3p2
;pixels/8+2 r3r2t3t2v3v2x3x2 z3z2B3B2D3D2F3F2
;pixels/4+0 a1a0c1c0e1e0g1g0 i1i0k1k0m1m0o1o0
;pixels/4+2 q1q0s1s0u1u0w1w0 y1y0A1A0C1C0E1E0
;3*pixels/8+0 b1b0d1d0f1f0h1h0 j1j0l1l0n1n0p1p0
;3*pixels/8+2 r1r0t1t0v1v0x1x0 z1z0B1B0D1D0F1F0
;Pass 4, plane 3
; apt buff3+0*pixels/8
; bpt buff3+1*pixels/8
; dpt Planes+3*plsiz+offset
; amod 0
; bmod 0
; dmod 0
; cdat $aaaa
; sizv pixels/16
; sizh 1 word
; con D=AC+(B>>1)~C, ascending
blit43: movem.l a2,-(sp)
moveq #-1,d0
move.l d0,(bltafwm,a0)
move.w #0,(bltdmod,a0)
move.l #buff3+0*pixels/8,(bltapt,a0)
move.l #buff3+1*pixels/8,(bltbpt,a0)
move.l (planes-mybltnode,a1),a2
move.l (3*4,a2),a2
add.w #offset,a2
move.l a2,(bltdpt,a0) ; Plane3
move.w #0,(bltamod,a0)
move.w #0,(bltbmod,a0)
move.w #$aaaa,(bltcdat,a0)
move.l #$0DE41000,(bltcon0,a0) ; D=AC+(B>>1)~C
move.w #height*64+width/16,(bltsize,a0)
lea (blit41,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
movem.l (sp)+,a2
;Plane3 a3b3c3d3e3f3g3h3 i3j3k3l3m3n3o3p3
;Plane3+2 q3r3s3t3u3v3w3x3 y3z3A3B3C3D3E3F3
;Pass 4, plane 1
; apt buff3+2*pixels/8
; bpt buff3+3*pixels/8
; dpt Planes+1*plsiz+offset
; amod 0
; bmod 0
; dmod 0
; cdat $aaaa
; sizv pixels/16
; sizh 1 word
; con D=AC+(B>>1)~C, ascending
blit41: movem.l a2,-(sp)
move.l #buff3+2*pixels/8,(bltapt,a0)
move.l #buff3+3*pixels/8,(bltbpt,a0)
move.l (planes-mybltnode,a1),a2
move.l (1*4,a2),a2
add.w #offset,a2
move.l a2,(bltdpt,a0) ; Plane1
move.w #height*64+width/16,(bltsize,a0)
lea (blit42,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
movem.l (sp)+,a2
;Plane1 a1b1c1d1e1f1g1h1 i1j1k1l1m1n1o1p1
;Plane1+2 q1r1s1t1u1v1w1x1 y1z1A1B1C1D1E1F1
;Pass 4, plane 2
; apt buff3+1*pixels/8-2
; bpt buff3+2*pixels/8-2
; dpt Planes+3*plsiz-2+offset
; amod 0
; bmod 0
; dmod 0
; cdat $aaaa
; sizv pixels/16
; sizh 1 word
; con D=(A<<1)C+B~C, descending
blit42: movem.l a2,-(sp)
move.l #buff3+1*pixels/8-2,(bltapt,a0)
move.l #buff3+2*pixels/8-2,(bltbpt,a0)
move.l (planes-mybltnode,a1),a2
move.l (2*4,a2),d0
add.l #plsiz-2+offset,d0
move.l d0,(bltdpt,a0) ; Plane2+plsiz-2
move.l #$1DE40002,(bltcon0,a0) ; D=(A<<1)C+B~C, desc.
move.w #height*64+width/16,(bltsize,a0)
lea (blit40,pc),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
movem.l (sp)+,a2
;Plane2 a2b2c2d2e2f2g2h2 i2j2k2l2m2n2o2p2
;Plane2+2 q2r2s2t2u2v2w2x2 y2z2A2B2C2D2E2F2
;Pass 4, plane 0
; apt buff3+3*pixels/8-2
; bpt buff3+4*pixels/8-2
; dpt Planes+1*plsiz-2+offset
; amod 0
; bmod 0
; dmod 0
; cdat $aaaa
; sizv pixels/16
; sizh 1 word
; con D=(A<<1)C+B~C, descending
blit40: movem.l a2,-(sp)
move.l #buff3+3*pixels/8-2,(bltapt,a0)
move.l #buff3+4*pixels/8-2,(bltbpt,a0)
move.l (planes-mybltnode,a1),a2
move.l (a2),d0
add.l #plsiz-2+offset,d0
move.l d0,(bltdpt,a0) ; Plane0+plsiz-2
move.w #height*64+width/16,(bltsize,a0)
move.l (initblitfunc-mybltnode,a1),a0
move.l a0,(qblitfunc-mybltnode,a1)
moveq #0,d0 ; set Z flag
movem.l (sp)+,a2
;Plane0 a0b0c0d0e0f0g0h0 i0j0k0l0m0n0o0p0
;Plane0+2 q0r0s0t0u0v0w0x0 y0z0A0B0C0D0E0F0
qblitcleanup: movem.l a2/a6,-(sp)
lea mybltnode,a2
move.l (task-mybltnode,a2),a1 ; signal the task
move.l (signals-mybltnode,a2),d0
move.l (4).w,a6
JSRLIB Signal ; may be called from interrupts
movem.l (sp)+,a2/a6
mybltnode: dc.l 0 ; next bltnode
qblitfunc: dc.l 0 ; ptr to qblitfunc()
dc.b cleanup ; stat
dc.b 0 ; filler
dc.w 0 ; blitsize
dc.w 0 ; beamsync
dc.l qblitcleanup ; ptr to qblitcleanup()
CNOP 0,4
chunky: dc.l 0 ; ptr to original chunky data
planes: dc.l 0 ; ptr to list of output plane ptrs
task: dc.l 0 ; ptr to this task
signals: dc.l 0 ; signals to Signal() at cleanup
initblitfunc dc.l 0 ; first qblit function
buff2ptr dc.l 0 ; intermediate buffer 2
wehaveocs dc.w 0 ; OCS installed?
buff3 ds.b pixels/2 ;Intermediate buffer 3